Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Assessing the Video Test - cues, releases, sustains

This is your assessment tool, that you will complete after I post the videos.  You will complete this on Monday instead of coming to class - due by Monday noon.  I will grade them Monday afternoon.

Here are the Partner Pairings for this Assessment - their are uneven numbers, so the first three are a little different.  In case you are wondering, I assign these randomly - put names on little slips of paper and draw them out.

Drew Bailey reviews Meredith McCoy
Meredith McCoy reviews Matt Theodorus 
Matt Theodorus reviews Drew Bailey

These students review each other:

Elizabeth Berg - Shara Lewis
Kristin Boyd - John Keyton
Lindsay Cleveland - Ben Griner
Lydia East - Lauren Carpenter
Whitney Head - Julia Gray
Enoch Ko - Dominic Aliffi
Mandy Liu - Chris Barbee
Sarah - Sarah

Video test - cues - Psalm 139 and Lord's Prayer

Here you go, conducting students - keyboard recordings of our video test on cues, releases, and sustains:

1.  Psalm 139
2.  Lord's Prayer

Specifics for Friday:

Lord's Prayer:

1.  Preparatory beat, beginning measure
2.  Cue choir entrance, m. 5
3.  Sustain gesture, m. 11
4.  Release, downbeat of m. 12
5.  Cue entrance, m. 13
6.  Sustain, m. 17
7.  slightly more accented R.H. in m. 18 - 19 (b. 3, 4, 1)
8.  Cue choir, m. 21
9.  Release, m. 24
10.  your decision, sustain or break, m. 26
11.  rit, m. 29
12.  a tempo, m. 30

Psalm 139:

1.  Preparatory beat, beginning measure
2.  cue choir, m. 3
3.  m. 4-5 your decision whom to cue
4.  m. 6 release on b. 3
5.  welcome men in b. 4 (eye cue to women in m. 7, b. 2
6.  m. 10 release on 3
7.  increase in dynamic, m. 10-11
8.  option to release or carry in m. 11
9.  same in m. 12
10.  release on d.b. of m. 15

Thursday, October 21, 2010

5/8, 6/8, 7/8 and "The Call"


Look here for the evaluation tool for your videos.  Be thorough in your evaluation of yourself and your classmate.  Be respectful and accurate with your praise and items for improvement.  I'm grading your evaluation of your classmate and I will share it with them. (pairings are a 9:15 class person with a 10:30 class person for a fresh perspective)

The pairings:

Julia Gray & Elizabeth Berg & Lindsey Cleveland (Julia evaluates Elizabeth, Elizabeth evaluates Lindsay, Lindsay evaluates Julia)
Shara Lewis & Enoch Ko
Chris Barbee & Lydia East
Lauren Carpenter & Matt Theodorus
Sarah Cole & Sarah Macon
Ben Griner & Mandy Liu
Dominic Alfi & Whitney Head
John Keyton & Kristin Boyd
Meredith McCoy & Drew Bailey

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mixed Meter Conducting Video Review

UPDATE:  Looks like Flickr only lets one upload 90 seconds of video and that cuts us off at the end of "The Call."  So we'll only evaluate the first three pieces.

Here are the Mixed Meter conducting videos for your class.  (will post actual videos on Wednesday)
9:15 Class
10:30 Class

Here is the place where you review your conducting video.

We will be evaluating:

1.  Preparatory beat
2.  Angular gestures vs. Float gestures
3.  Eye contact
4.  Is your pattern appropriate to the music?