Monday, October 1, 2012

Here are the videos - and other important links

Find your video here and review it:

Here is where you sign up for your review time with Dr. Copeland:

And remember, here is where you log in your conducting practice:

Conducting Video SignUp

Signup for your conducting review time here - I've added Tuesday morning as a possibility.

Rubric for My Country and Joyful Joyful

Conducting - Rubric for MyCountryTisofThee and Ode to Joy -

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Slight changes to syllabus

As I told you at the beginning of class, I would be making slight changes to the syllabus during the course of the semester.

Here is what changed:

1.  Better definition to the "objectives" of the course.

2.  I've also brought more specificity to the part about the "conductor's mindset" in the above chart.

3.  Your "conducting log" is now worth 5% of your semester final grade.  See here:

Entire syllabus:

Conducting Syllabus - Fall 2012 -

Link to Log


1.  We've defined part of the undefined portion of the original syllabus.  The 10% part of the grade that was "participation and special projects" is now 5% participation and 5% conducting log.
From September 19, 2012 until the rest of the semester, I am counting your conducting practice as part of your grade.

Minimum expected:  15 minutes a day for six days a week.  (total of 90 minutes)

Revised Link.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Quizlet created by Bethany

Bethany Orick was VERY nice and shared her QUIZLET of our vocabulary words for Wednesday.

Click here.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Syllabus, Schedule

Syllabus for Conducting

Course Schedule for Conducting

Terms for Fall 2012

  1. A capriccio-Whimsical
  2. A piacere-At pleasure
  3. A tempo-Previoius tempo (used after one of the above variations)
  4. Accelerando-Gradually faster
  5. Adagio/Lento-Slow
  6. Agitato-Agitated
  7. Agogic accent-Accent by longer duration of a note
  8. Alla misura-Strict tempo
  9. Allargando-Gradually slower and louder
  10. Allegretto-Moderately fast
  11. Allegro-Fast, quickly
  12. Andante-Slow but moving
  13. Andantino-Moderately slow
  14. Animato-Animated
  15. assai - very
  16. caesura - a break in the musical line
  17. Calando-Gradually slower and softer
  18. Cantabile-Singing
  19. cola parte - with the other part
  20. Con bravura-With boldness
  21. Con brio-With vigor
  22. Con fuoco-With fire
  23. con moto - with motion
  24. Con tenerezza-With tenderness
  25. Crescendo (cresc.)-Becoming louder
  26. Crescendo e diminuendo (cresc. e dim.)-Gradually louder, then gradually softer
  27. Crescendo molto (cresc. molto)-Becoming much louder
  28. Crescendo poco a poco (cresc. poco a poco)-Louder little by little
  29. Decrescendo (decresc.)-Becoming softer
  30. Diminuendo (dim.)-Diminishing
  31. Dolce-Sweetly
  32. Dolente-Sad, mournful
  33. doppio valore - twice as slow
  34. Dynamic accent-Accent by stress or reinforcement
  35. Espressivo-Expressively
  36. feroce - wildly or fiercely
  37. Forte (f)-Loud
  38. Forte-piano (fp)-Loudly-softly
  39. Fortissimo (ff)-Very loud
  40. fuoco - fire
  41. Giocoso-Humorously
  42. Grave - tempo-Very slow and heavy
  43. Grave -character-Solemn
  44. grazia - gracefully
  45. ictus - the point of the beat
  46. Irregular accent-Accent on a normally unaccented beat
  47. L'istesso tempo-Same tempo (beat remains the same even though meter changes)
  48. langsam - slow
  49. Larghetto-Very slow but moving
  50. Largo-Very slow and broad
  51. Legato-Smoothly connected
  52. leggiero - lighly or airy
  53. lento - slowly
  54. Maestoso-Majestic
  55. Marcato-Marked emphasis
  56. Meno mosso-Less motion
  57. Mezzo forte (mf)-Moderately loud
  58. Mezzo piano (mp)-Moderately soft
  59. Moderato-Moderately paced
  60. molto - much
  61. Morendo-Dying away
  62. mosso - motion
  63. non troppo - not too much
  64. ossia - otherwise, or refers to a simplified part
  65. Pesante-Heavy
  66. Pianissimo (pp)-Very soft
  67. Piano (p)-Soft
  68. Piu allegro-More lively
  69. Piu mosso-More motion
  70. pochissimo - very little
  71. poco - little
  72. Portato-Slurred staccato
  73. Prestissimo-As fast as possible
  74. Presto-Very fast
  75. Rallentando-Gradually slower and broader
  76. retenu - held back
  77. Rinforzando-Accent by strengthening
  78. Ritardando-Gradually slower
  79. Ritenuto-Suddenly slower
  80. ritmico - rhymical 
  81. rubato - phrasing, give and take, shading of tempo, borrowing of time
  82. Scherzando-Playful, jesting
  83. Secondary accent-Accent on a beat other than the down beat, e.g. beat three in common time
  84. Semplice-Simple, unaffected
  85. sempre - always
  86. Senza misura-Freely
  87. simile - in a similar manner
  88. Sforzando (sfz)-Loudly accented
  89. Sforzando/Forzando-Accent by forcing/pressure
  90. smorzando - dying away
  91. Sostenuto-Sustaining
  92. Sotto voce-Subdued voice
  93. spicato - springing or bouncing of bow off the string (a staccato technique)
  94. Staccato-Detached
  95. stentato - labored
  96. Stringendo-Gradualy faster and hastening
  97. Subito forte (sub. f)-Suddenly loud
  98. Subito piano (sub. p)-Suddenly soft
  99. tacet - silent for a particular instrument
  100. Tempo giusto-In exact tempo
  101. Tempo primo-First tempo
  102. Tempo Rubato-Taken freely
  103. Tenuto-Held, sustained
  104. tessitura - the range within most notes lie
  105. Tonic accent-Accent by rise of pitch, rather than by stress
  106. Tranquillo-Gently
  107. troppo - too much
  108. tutti - everyone
  109. Vivace-Lively
  110. vivo - lively or brisk; spirited

Monday, March 26, 2012

Post Spring Break

What we did in class (if everything goes like I plan):

1.  Overview of future - handout of "tweaked" class schedule.
2.  Focus 1:  Text - Dickson article
3.  Focus 2:  Terms test on Wednesday (see blog post below)
4.  Focus 3:  Conducting - Pergolesi, O My God, Bestow Thy Tender Mercy

  • be ready to play any of the parts on piano
  • be ready to sing with accuracy every part
  • sing with nuance any of the parts
  • will begin working rehearsal concepts into times in front of the class:
    • repetition
    • nuance
    • gesture tied to nuance
    • reinforcement
    • complete teaching cycles

Terms Test 2

These are the terms for Wednesday, March 28:

  1. pochissimo - very little
  2. poco - little
  3. quasi - as if it were, nearly
  4. recitative - vocal declamations, free in rempo and rhythm
  5. retenu - held back
  6. ritenuto - suddenly slowing rate of speed, held back
  7. ritmico - rhythmical
  8. rubato - phrasing give and take, shading of tempo
  9. schmachtend - languising, longing
  10. sempre - always
  11. soli - several players on a part
  12. solo - alone, one player on the part
  13. spiccato - springing, bouncing bow, off the string, staccato
  14. staccatissimo - very detached, separated
  15. subito - suddenly, immediate
  16. takt - beat, regular measurement of time
  17. tempo primo - original tempo
  18. tenuto - stretched, sustained, held back
  19. tessitura - the range within which most notes lie
  20. tranquillo - calmly, quietly
  21. tres - very
  22. troppo - too much
  23. tutti - all, the entire ensemble
  24. valse - waltz
  25. vivo - lively, brisk, spirited

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sectional rehearsals

For today, everyone will start in the choir room and then go to:

Sopranos:  Regular choir room
Altos:  BUCHN 119
Tenors:  BBS 311
Basses:  BUCHN 301

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Observation Form and All State Schedule

See below. Link to the forms here:

Schedule and Observation Form - Allstate

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lord for thy tender mercy's sake

As a part of your conducting grade for this assignment, provide a one paragraph review of three conductors on our piece:

Monday, January 30, 2012

First day - assignments

Greetings, all.  It looks like we will have an outstanding class.

Here is what we said to do today and in the coming few days:

1.  Take an online Myers-Briggs personality test.  This looks like a good one.
2.  Read about the Myers-Briggs test.
3.  Read about your specific personality type.  (go to the detailed version - this is one for the ENTP - my tested personality type, although I think I am also an INTP)
4.  Find and Purchase Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."  Kindle version here.  Amazon has them here.  Used ones here.  Jefferson County Library has plenty.

Renaissance pieces

If ye love me (Thomas Tallis)

Ave verum corpus (William Byrd)

Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake (Farrant/Hilton) (alternate)